I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the SCWBA Benevolent fund on Semi-Finals day, you raised a total of £206.
Kindest regards Caroline Duarte.
The Benevolent Fund was set up to provide cards, gifts or flowers for members who had suffered bereavement and serious illness or operations and if necessary make grants of not more than £20 to any one person, any such gifts to be referred to by number only.
The fund is open to all members of affiliated clubs in Surrey. It was originally set up and governed by by the , President, the Hon Secretary and the Benevolent Fund Secretary and Treasurer. As time has moved on the Benevolent Fund Secretary is able to take requests from clubs and members; also the amounts have risen as indeed costs have!
The Benevolent Fund Secretary shall submit to all members an annual account and such accounts shall be audited by a chartered or certified accountant. The year starts from 1 October and finishes 30 September
If you would like to make a contribution to the SCWBA Benevolent fund, please use the details below, or, if you would prefer to speak to someone please contact:-
Caroline Duarte- Benevolent Fund Secretary & Treasurer
Tel No: 07825 290864 email:
Cheques payable to: Surrey County Women's Benevolent Fund 
Bank details for BACS payments: Sort Code: 60-06-14 A/c No. 86853139
Please note: If doing a BACS payment please let Caroline know and she will check that it has gone through on the bank statement.